Articles | Volume 5, issue 2
Regular research article
08 Nov 2016
Regular research article |  | 08 Nov 2016

Optimization of a sensor for a Tian–Calvet calorimeter with LTCC-based sensor discs

Franz Schubert, Michael Gollner, Jaroslaw Kita, Florian Linseis, and Ralf Moos


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Short summary
An FEM model is used to improve the sensor design of a Tian–Calvet calorimeter. By modifying the basic part of the sensor (a sensor disc based on low temperature co-fired ceramics), the sensitivity was increased by a factor of 3. The model was validated and the sensors were calibrated. Indium and tin samples were measured. The melting temperatures show a deviation of 0.2 K while the enthalpy was measured with a precision better than 1 %. The values for tin deviate by less than 2 % from literature.