Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Regular research article
14 Jun 2017
Regular research article |  | 14 Jun 2017

High-temperature CO / HC gas sensors to optimize firewood combustion in low-power fireplaces

Binayak Ojha, Navas Illyaskutty, Jens Knoblauch, Muthu Raman Balachandran, and Heinz Kohler

Data sets

Dataset supplementing B. Ojha, N. Illyaskutty, J. Knoblauch, H. Kohler (2017): High temperature CO/HC gas sensors to optimize firewood combustion in low power fireplaces B. Ojha, N. Illyaskutty, J. Knoblauch, M. R. Balachandran, and H. Kohler

Short summary
A novel combustion airstream control concept has been developed based on in situ sensors for combustion temperature, residual oxygen concentration and residual un-combusted CO / HC components. The implementation of this control concept allows for a large reduction in toxic gas emissions by up to 80 % compared to hand-operated furnaces. A stable long-term CO / HC sensor for such an application is not available; thus, the long-term sensor signal stability of different CO / HC sensors is studied.