Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Regular research article
23 Jan 2017
Regular research article |  | 23 Jan 2017

Sensor solutions for an energy-efficient and user-centered heating system

Moritz Hein, Ralf Stöber, Michael Meiler, Daniel Schaller, Rebecca Zehle, Gerhard Fischerauer, Jochen Bauer, Johannes Bürner, Jörg Franke, Thomas Becher, Martin Feller, and Joachim Maul


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Short summary
We have analyzed the requirements of a smart heating system and, in particular, the necessary sensors and their integration in a control system. The system comprises temperature and localization sensors as measuring elements and heating foils as actuators. The system components were studied in a demonstrator room, and the entire heterogeneous system has now been deployed in an apartment for further field studies during the heating season of 2016/2017.