Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Special issue:
Regular research article
21 Feb 2018
Regular research article |  | 21 Feb 2018

Combined distributed Raman and Bragg fiber temperature sensing using incoherent optical frequency domain reflectometry

Max Koeppel, Stefan Werzinger, Thomas Ringel, Peter Bechtold, Torsten Thiel, Rainer Engelbrecht, Thomas Bosselmann, and Bernhard Schmauss


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Short summary
Optical temperature sensors offer unique features which make them indispensable for key industries such as the energy sector. However, commercially available systems are designed to perform either distributed or hot spot temperature measurements. We have combined two measurement concepts to overcome this limitation, which allow distributed temperature measurements to be performed simultaneously with read-outs of optical hot spot temperature sensors at distinct positions along a fiber.
Special issue