Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Review paper
05 Mar 2020
Review paper |  | 05 Mar 2020

Miniaturized photoacoustic detection of organofluorine-based refrigerants

Mahmoud El-Safoury, Christian Weber, Olaf Kiesewetter, Yvonne Hespos, André Eberhardt, Katrin Schmitt, and Jürgen Wöllenstein

Data sets

Miniaturized photoacoustic detection of organofluorine-based refrigerants M. El-Safoury and C. Weber

Short summary
The refrigerant R134a is classified as a greenhouse gas and was banned from use (in vehicles) by the European Union in 2017 due to its contribution to global warming. The more expensive alternative refrigerant R1234yf is considered an environmentally less harmful alternative owing to its significantly lower global warming potential. Our newly developed gas detector can detect both refrigerants separately and, thus, help prevent the use of illegal gas mixtures that contain both refrigerants.