Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Regular research article
04 Jun 2024
Regular research article |  | 04 Jun 2024

Integration and evaluation of the high-precision MotionCam-3D into a 3D thermography system

Miguel-David Méndez-Bohórquez, Sebastian Schramm, Robert Schmoll, and Andreas Kroll

Data sets

Datasets obtained from the 3DTS with the RealSense version (RS) and the MotionCam (MC3D) Miguel Méndez and Sebastian Schramm

Model code and software

JSSS-3DTS-Processing_Code Miguel Méndez

MT-MRT/MRT-Camera-Calibration-Toolbox: v1.1.1 S. Schramm et al.

MT-MRT/MRT-Coded-Calibration-Target: First release S. Schramm and J. Ebert

Short summary
3D thermograms are a good alternative when a single traditional 2D thermal image does not reveal enough information to analyze a complex object. However, the 3D thermography field is still under exploration. This paper shows a comparison of a thermography system operated with two different 3D sensors. The results indicate that the depth sensor with more accurate measurements captures the object geometry better, and therefore the interpretation of the 3D thermograms is improved.