Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Regular research article
25 Feb 2016
Regular research article |  | 25 Feb 2016

Flexible free-standing SU-8 microfluidic impedance spectroscopy sensor for 3-D molded interconnect devices application

Marc-Peter Schmidt, Aleksandr Oseev, Christian Engel, Andreas Brose, Bertram Schmidt, and Sören Hirsch


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Short summary
The article reports about the development of novel microfluidic sensors that are directly attachable on 3-D polymers. An ability to integrate electrical and fluidic parts into the 3-D platform brings the sensors to a new level of miniaturization. The sensor system is made of a flexible polymer featuring a system of metal electrodes and a rigid polymer carrier with all external macroconnections. To the concentration of ethanol in DI water the sensor system showed the desired sensitivity.