Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Special issue:
Regular research article
22 Mar 2018
Regular research article |  | 22 Mar 2018

In situ high-temperature gas sensors: continuous monitoring of the combustion quality of different wood combustion systems and optimization of combustion process

Heinz Kohler, Binayak Ojha, Navas Illyaskutty, Ingo Hartmann, Christian Thiel, Konrad Eisinger, and Markus Dambacher


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Short summary
Wood-log- and wood-chip-fuelled low-power combustion systems emit high amounts of uncombusted gaseous components like CO and particulate matter. Emissions can be effectively reduced by optimized combustion process control using high-temperature gas sensors. The sensing behaviour of gas sensors for continuous analysis of uncombusted components and their long-term stability have been studied. The sensor signals are used to improve the combustion process control and to monitor combustion quality.
Special issue