Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Regular research article
17 Sep 2020
Regular research article |  | 17 Sep 2020

Influence of Pt paste and the firing temperature of screen-printed electrodes on the NO detection by pulsed polarization

Nils Donker, Anastasiya Ruchets, Daniela Schönauer-Kamin, Jens Zosel, Ulrich Guth, and Ralf Moos


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Short summary
Symmetrical Pt | YSZ | Pt–NO gas sensors were produced with frit-containing and fritless Pt electrodes and fired between 950 and 1300 °C. The sensors were operated by pulsed polarization. With fritless pastes, the sensors responded significantly higher. The firing temperature affects the sensitivity only slightly. The low NO sensitivity of the frit-containing electrodes was attributed to a blocking effect at the triple-phase boundaries that inhibits the oxygen transport through the sensor.