Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Regular research article
30 Aug 2024
Regular research article |  | 30 Aug 2024

Thin quartz resonators as a detector element for thermal infrared sensors

Agnes Eydam, Christian Hoyer, Volkmar Norkus, Frank Ellinger, and Gerald Gerlach

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Cited articles

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Gerlach, G. and Budzier, H.: Thermische Infrarotsensoren: Grundlagen für Anwender, Wiley-VCH, ISBN: 978-3-527-40960-0, 2010. 
Li, C., Zhang, Y., and Hirakawa, K.: Terahertz detectors using microelectromechanical system resonators, Sensors, 23, 5938,, 2023. 
Short summary
The temperature dependence of the resonance frequency of quartz resonators can be used for thermal infrared sensors. The quartz chips must be very thin to obtain a good sensor signal. This work describes how to manufacture and package sensors with 5 µm thin chips. Different sensor layouts are ion beam etched; they influence the vibration of the resonators, which is shown by impedance measurements. The temperature coefficient of the resonance frequency is determined to be around 90 ppm K-1.