Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Feature article
21 Jan 2021
Feature article |  | 21 Jan 2021

Explaining to different audiences the new definition and experimental realizations of the kilogram

Joaquín Valdés

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Cited articles

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Cladé, P., Biraben, F., Julien, L., Nez, F., and Guellati-Khelifa, S.: Precise determination of the ratio hmu: a way to link microscopic mass to the new kilogram, Metrologia, 53, A75–A82,, 2016. 
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Short summary
Effective from 20 May 2019, the kilogram is now defined in terms of the numerical value of the Planck constant h. Replacing the artefact definition of the kilogram by a new one based on the mass of a particle, or the atomic mass constant mu, would have been preferable for ease of understanding, among other reasons. In this paper we will discuss some educational limitations of teaching to different audiences the new definition and corresponding realizations of the kilogram.