Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Regular research article
06 May 2022
Regular research article |  | 06 May 2022

Improving the electrical and structural stability of highly piezoresistive nickel–carbon sensor thin films

Günter Schultes, Mario Cerino, Angela Lellig, and Marcus Koch

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Creep adjustment of strain gauges based on granular NiCr-carbon thin films
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Novel method to reduce the transverse sensitivity of granular thin film strain gauges by modification of strain transfer
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Granular metal–carbon nanocomposites as piezoresistive sensor films – Part 2: Modeling longitudinal and transverse strain sensitivity
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We develop sensor material to effectively transform mechanical force or torque into an electrical resistance. A new type of thin films containing nickel and carbon has a significantly higher output and is thus very advantageous. But so far, the electrical resistance lacks stability. We therefore investigate how to stabilize the material and show that the partial replacement of nickel by the element chromium solves the problem. The optimized sensor films are now suitable for widespread use.