Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Special issue:
Regular research article
10 May 2016
Regular research article |  | 10 May 2016

Characterisation of the polarisation state of embedded piezoelectric transducers by thermal waves and thermal pulses

Agnes Eydam, Gunnar Suchaneck, and Gerald Gerlach

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Sensor technologies: Characterization and testing
Methods to investigate the temperature distribution of heated ceramic gas sensors for high-temperature applications
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Gauge to simultaneously determine the electrical conductivity, the Hall constant, and the Seebeck coefficient up to 800 °C
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An algorithmic method for the identification of wood species and the classification of post-consumer wood using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
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High-temperature behavior of housed piezoelectric resonators based on CTGS
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Piezoelectric devices are characterized non-destructively to ensure their functionality. The material is heated by laser diodes. The resulting temperature changes lead to a pyroelectric current. Analytical and numerical finite element models describe the temperature distribution and the current in frequency and time domain. Modelling and experimental results are compared for piezoelectric plates and integrated sensors and actuators.
Special issue