Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Regular research article
12 Oct 2018
Regular research article |  | 12 Oct 2018

Data fusion of surface data sets of X-ray computed tomography measurements using locally determined surface quality values

Andreas Michael Müller and Tino Hausotte

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Cited articles

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Fleßner, M. and Hausotte, T.: Method and system for determining the local quality of surface data extracted from volume data, Germany Patent WO 2016/042105 A1, 2016. 
Fleßner, M., Müller, A., Helmecke, E., and Hausotte, T.: Automated detection of artefacts for computed tomography in dimensional metrology, available at: , Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, (last access: 12 June 2017), 2015a. 
Short summary
Computed tomography measurements can be subject to specific image artefacts, which can be dependent on the effective rotation axis of the work piece during the scan. The presented approach is to combine several CT scans with different rotation axes of the work piece using a data fusion approach. To improve the fidelity of the result, surface points are weighted individually within the algorithm, dependent on the local surface quality of the measurement.