Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Regular research article
24 Feb 2020
Regular research article |  | 24 Feb 2020

Determination of the single point precision associated with tactile gear measurements in scanning mode

Andreas Michael Müller and Tino Hausotte

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Towards efficient application-dependent dimensional measurements with computed tomography: optimized reduction of measurement duration using continuous scan mode: experimental investigations
Christian Orgeldinger, Florian Wohlgemuth, Andreas Michael Müller, and Tino Hausotte
J. Sens. Sens. Syst., 11, 219–223,,, 2022
Short summary

Cited articles

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Fleßner, M., Müller, A. M., Götz, D., Helmecke, E., and Hausotte, T.: Assessment of the single point uncertainty of dimensional CT measurements, in: issue Vol. 21 No. 02, available at: (last access: 26 September 2019), 2016. a
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Short summary
The framework of the single point uncertainty presents a methodology to determine the local measurement uncertainty for a measurement setup. The targets of the investigation were spur (involute) steel gear wheels using a CMM in scanning mode in combination with a rotatory table, as well as a single scan of the complete gear profile without the use of a rotatory table, using the free-form scan CMM functionality. Both methods were examined with respect to their obtained single point uncertainty.